I'm looking forward to hearing how you like this! That's especially because I somehow ran out of time to make my own progress tracker for my gradeless Euclidean Geometry class this semester... so that thing at the end of my own post is still purely theoretical. :) I may borrow a few ideas from you if you think they worked well!

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Thanks, David! Was so inspired by that post over the summer, so I appreciate your work on this. Can't wait to share more!

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The progress tracker is fantastic! There are so many things there that I want to build into the next iteration of the course I’m teaching this fall. Thank you for sharing.

I also love your line realizing that there were things about the grading structure that you hadn’t even articulated to yourself. I feel this so often in my own practice. I’ve been leaning into being vulnerable with my students about it and admitting that it’s a journey we’re on together, motivated by a desire to help them learn and grow and also give me the opportunity to offer feedback on their work.

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Thanks, Josh! I think the quantity/quality/growth thing has been my biggest realization as a teacher this year. These admissions (to ourselves and our students) can be vulnerable, but it's actually really exciting to finally articulate something in a way you hadn't quite done before.

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I love the detailed tracker. I'm hoping to use an ungrading approach next semester, so I'll be curious to hear how you (and your students) liked it.

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Thanks, Jane! Excited to hear how it goes for you as well.

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